VisReg | FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

  • iOS App

  • First Time Log In

    Use the Username and Password registered with the Web App.

    Click here to see how to register with the Web App.

  • Signing in a New Visitor

    1. From the Welcome screen, select the 'Sign In' option.

    2. Choose the 'No, I'm a new visitor.' option.

    (If the visitor has signed in before, click here to see how to sign in Existing Users.)


    3. You may manually enter the visitor's information or scan a business card to extract the data. Click 'Save'.
    (Note: Only the name is required.)

    4. Provide a reason for the visitor sign in. Click 'Sign In'.

  • Signing in an Existing Visitor

    1. From the Welcome screen, select 'Sign In'.

    2. Choose the 'Yes.' option.


    3. Select an existing profile from the list.
    Click 'Sign In'.

    4. Enter the reason for their visit.
    Click 'Sign In'.

  • Signing in Multiple, Existing Visitors

    1. From the Welcome screen, select 'Sign In'.

    2. Choose the 'Yes.' option.


    3. Click 'Select Multiple' at the top left.

    4. Select the visitors by clicking the corresponding blue circle on the left side of the visitor's profile.

    5. After selecting all the desired visitors, click 'Sign In'

    6. Enter the reason for their visit.
    Click 'Sign In'.

  • Viewing a Visitors Profile/Editing

    1. A visitor's profile can be viewed by selecting the guest from the Welcome screen.

    2. To make changes to the visitor's profile, edit the desired fields and click 'Save'.

    3. A profile picture may be added by clicking the face in the top-left corner. You will be prompted to take a picture with the front camera.


    4. A business card may be added by selecting the 'Scan Business Card' option in top-right of the page.

    (You have the option to overwrite existing data with the extracted business card data.)

  • Customizing the app

    1. Select the cog in the top right corner of the home screen and use your access pin.

    2. To add a custom logo, give the app access to your photos and select the picture you would wish to use for a logo.

    Click here to see the requirments for the logo.

    3. To add a custom color, select from the given palette or type in a hexadecimal code.

    Click here to see what features are customizable.

    (Click the 'Reset to Default Settings' option to return the colors and logo to default.)

  • Web App   (Admin Portal)

  • Registering an account

    1. To register an account, select 'New to VisReg? Sign up!'.


    2. Fill out the fields and click 'Sign Up'.

    (The pin is used to configure the iOS app settings.)

    3. After signing up, a verification code will be sent to your email. Use this code to finish the registration process.

    (To re-send a confirmation code, click the 'Resend Confirmation Code' option from the main Log In screen.)

  • Reset your Password

    1. To reset your VisReg account password, select 'Forgot Password?'.


    2. Enter the email that you've registered the VisReg account with.
    Click 'Submit'.


    3. A verification code will be sent to your email. Retrieve this code and enter in a new password.
    Click 'Reset Passowrd'

  • Recover your Pin

    1. To recover your pin, log into the VisReg Web App (Admin Portal).

    2. On the top-right side, click the face icon. Your pin should be displayed in the drop down window.


  • Exporting Visitor Info or Visit Logs to CSV

    1. To export your visitor info or visit logs, log into the VisReg Web App (Admin Portal).

    2. Click the 'Export' button.
    (The Export button will be available on the Sessions or Visitors table.)

    3. Click the 'Download CSV' button to save the CSV file.

